Última actualización

Land Lot in La Veleta

COD: MLA5436580

Calle 2 sur, La Veleta, Tulum

Price from

$ 120,000 USD

Prices are referential and may change without prior notice. The price in USD is based on the reference and the exchange rate of the day based on the Mexican peso. For personalized attention contact us.

$ 2,400,000 MXN
3207.67 Sq.Ft. Total

Property description

Titled land lot for sale in La Veleta, Region 09, Mza 738, Lot 24

only one block from 5th Av. South

Usage: H3 (Habitacional Unifamiliar)

COS: 0.55

CUS: 1.70

* Images presented on this website are for illustrative purposes only. The final product and the material used are subject to significant changes at the sole discretion of the developer.

Location description

Growing upcoming area in La Veleta, Tulum, great opportunity for investors.

Shopping Malls
Fibre optic Wi-Fi

Calle 2 sur, La Veleta, Tulum

You are one step away
from your dream property

Pruebas Omitir

$ 116,540.86 USD